This Code of conduct has been framed in compliance with the provisions
of Clause 49 of the listing agreement with the stock exchanges. The purpose
of this code is to help ensure that the members of the Board, the Senior
Management and the employees conduct the business with the highest standards
of integrity, honesty, ethics, conduct and governance and also to ensure
that they act in an efficient and transparent manner in the conduct of
the day to day activities of the organization.
• All the directors of the company.
• Members of the senior management of the company (i.e., one level
below the executive directors).
• Functional heads and the employees in the company.
The Code
The members of the Board, senior management and the employees
of the company must observe and abide with the following code of conduct:
• To act honestly, diligently
and in good faith and integrity in all their dealings with the company.
• To exercise authority and power with due care and diligence whilst
discharging their responsibility of office.
• Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
• To observe confidentiality of information acquired in the course
of their duties.
• Deal fairly with customers, suppliers, employees and other business
• Supply products and services of the highest quality standard.
• To make proper records of all financial transactions.
• To always act in the best interests of the company and its stakeholders.